Eyelid correction
Eyelid correction can be a helpful measure for various reasons. Familial predisposition and the slackening of skin and muscles can lead to severely drooping upper eyelids, so-called drooping eyelids, or to clearly bulging lower eyelids, the so-called bags under the eyes, with increasing age. Affected persons often make a tired and sad impression, even if they feel very well. Particularly in the case of pronounced drooping eyelids, the patient’s field of vision can also be restricted. These problems can be remedied with eyelid correction.
How does eyelid correction work?
There are different approaches to eyelid correction depending on the patient’s findings: In the case of an upper eyelid lift, the excess skin to be removed is marked before the operation to ensure that not too much skin is removed. This is because eyelid closure must be maintained in all cases. Under local anesthesia, the excess tissue is removed and the skin is sutured using cosmetic suturing techniques. Eyelid correction on the lower eyelid includes the relocation of the bulging fatty tissue to create soft contours at the transition between the eyelid and the face. In the tear troughs, this fatty tissue can eventually be used to pad the depressions. Eyelid correction can be performed under local anesthesia or anesthesia and takes about 45 minutes.
What should be considered after eyelid correction?
Complications are extremely rare with eyelid correction. Occasionally there is swelling and bruising, which usually disappears after a week. Even though eyelid correction is one of the most common aesthetic operations, it is not a procedure “for the lunch break”. Patients should allow themselves at least one day of rest. In addition, the control examinations should be observed, which we perform after four weeks and after three months. After eyelid correction, fine scars remain, which run in the crease or at the edge of the eyelashes. Here they fade with time and become almost invisible.
Eyelid correction in Zurich – with your expert for plastic surgery
Are you interested in eyelid correction in Zurich? Dr. Britta von Stumberg is an experienced expert and will be happy to inform you about the possibilities of eyelid correction as well as the different approaches to bags under the eyes and drooping eyelids in a non-binding consultation. Simply contact us and make an appointment for a consultation on the topic of eyelid correction in the plastic surgery practice in Zurich.