
Dr. med. Britta von Stumberg
In the Plastic Surgery Practice Zurich you will be cared for by Dr. med. Britta von Stumberg, specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery FMH. Dr. von Stumberg has in-depth knowledge and many years of practical experience in her field and specializes in aesthetic plastic and reconstructive surgical treatments.
Dr. von Stumberg acquired her professional qualifications in Germany. Among her most important training stations is the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Evangelical Hospital Göttingen (Head Physician Dr. B. Miericke) with a focus on breast and facial surgery. Affiliated to the Breast Center of the University of Göttingen, the department is, among other things, in charge of the care of breast cancer patients.
As a table lecturer in the student course of the Anatomical Institute of the University of Göttingen, Dr. von Stumberg was able to deepen her anatomical knowledge. At the Red Cross Hospital (RKH) Kassel, she learned various procedures of aesthetic surgery under Prof. Dr. E. M. Noah. As a prospective head of the Plastic Surgery Section of the Department of Plastic and Hand Surgery at the Klinikum Nordstadt Hannover, she was in charge of establishing new techniques.
In August 2011, the experienced surgeon moved with her family to Zurich, where she has been practicing medicine independently since 2012, initially in the joint surgical practice in Oerlikon. In the plastic surgery practice she runs in Steinwiesstrasse in Zurich, she offers her patients a comprehensive range of services in the field of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. In addition, Dr. von Stumberg was a lecturer at the “Maria Schweizer” School of Cosmetology.
Dr. von Stumberg is a full member of renowned medical associations in Switzerland and Germany, including the German Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (DGPRÄC), the FMH, the AerzteGesellschaft des Kantons Zürich (AGZ), the Vereinigung der Zürcher Spezialärzte für Plastische, Kiefer- und Handchirurgie (ZPKH) and the Gesellschaft für ästhetische und rekonstruktive Intimchirurgie Deutschland e. V. (GAERID).
In her free time, Dr. von Stumberg enjoys sports, painting and reading. She is married and the mother of four children.