in Zurich

in Zurich

in Zurich

in Zurich
Medical micropigmentation
Areola tattooing or medical micropigmentation is an option for patients who have undergone breast reconstruction after breast cancer. By optically recreating the missing areola as naturally as possible, patients regain a piece of their original body sensation through areola tattooing.
How does medical micropigmentation work?
Instead of areola tattooing, it is also called medical micropigmentation. After breast reconstruction, the missing areola can be restored quite naturally and without much effort using this method. We use tested metal-free inks for this, so that a later examination by MRI can be carried out without any problems. The costs of medical micropigmentation are usually covered by health insurance.
What should be considered after a medical micropigmentation?
After medical micropigmentation, the treated skin area must be kept clean and protected from stress and strong sunlight. Sports and sauna visits should also be avoided during the first weeks after treatment.
Medical micropigmentation in Zurich – at your expert for plastic surgery
Are you interested in medical micropigmentation in Zurich? Dr. Britta von Stumberg is an experienced expert and will be happy to explain the options to you in a non-binding consultation. Simply contact us and make an appointment for a consultation on the subject of medical micropigmentation in the plastic surgery practice in Zurich.